
  • Professional Process Controller
    12 months
    Package price
    R 1,788.70

    The Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA) became recognised as a professional body by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) in 2013 with the professional designation of Professional Process Controller โ€“ Pr. PC Water. Most recently the Department of Water & Sanitation (DWS) has included in Regulation 3630 a requirement that all Class V and Class VI Process Controllers must be professionally registered as a Professional Process Controller with WISA. This ensures high standards are met as well as legislation adhered to.

  • Academic Member
    12 months
    Package price
    R 631.30

    Academic membership is only applicable to persons in the full-time employment of a recognised tertiary institution. Academic members enjoy all the same benefits as individual members including voting rights. 

  • Member
    12 months
    Package price
    R 1,109.57

    Full Member status is applicable to anyone who has completed a qualification of at least 3 years/ NQF 6 as a minimum, and has more than 3 years relevant work experience either in the sector or in line with their relevant degree.

    Full Membership status is also awarded to anyone who may not meet the qualification requirements but has at least 10 years water sector related work experience.

  • Associate Member
    12 months
    Package price
    R 946.96

    Associate membership is for persons who have completed a qualification of at least 3 years/ NQF 6 as a minimum, and have less than 3 years relevant work experience in the sector. Once the required 3 years work experience has been obtained the person will automatically be upgraded to Full Member. Associate Members do not have voting rights.

  • Student Membership
    12 months
    Package price
    R 95.65

    Student membership is only available to full time bona fide students. A member may only be a student for a period of 5 years whereafter they will no longer qualify for student membership. Students must submit proof of registration by end of February each year in order to continue being classified as a student member. 

    Student members enjoy many benefits as individual members. Student members do not have voting rights. Student membership is highly subsidised with a nominal fee of R100.00 being charged per annum.

  • Affiliate Member
    12 months
    Package price
    R 306.09

    Affiliate membership is for anyone who does not have any qualifications or related work experience, and are not necessarily working in the water sector but have an interest in the water sector. Affiliate Members do not having voting rights.